Hi! I am Genevieve Lim, a student currently studying in Singapore Polytechnic. I have a passion for good food and
I wish to share it with you guys!
To me, good food makes you feel as good as it tastes. On my site, I share with you a few dishes that I wish you
would try when you visit Singaapore! Click on my Image to go to my Instagram Page!
When I travel, I would have no idea which are the best places to eat where locals eat. Which is why I made this
website for all of you to clarify your doubts!
Personally, I am not a picky person and I love trying new things! Although I am a full-time diploma student, and
have classes from Monday to Friday,
I spend my free time travelling Singapore trying new places to eat!
A few things about myself:
1. I am a dog lover
I spend most of my time watching funny videos of dogs. Huskies, Corgis, Golden Retrievers, you name it, I could
guess any dog breed just by a picture of it. I would love to adopt a dog but unfortunately I am
afraid, I do not have enough time to invest of taking
care of one. :(
2. I love photography!
All of the pictures that you see on my blogposts and on this website is taken by me! I own a Huawei P20 Pro
which takes amazing pictures!
Although I would love to get a professional camera, this phone produces pictures of an amazing quality! Fret
not, I would still always upgrade myself and produce amazing
pictures for all of you! I am currently saving up for a professional camera.
I am a very bubbly, cheerful and talkative person. Thus, the reason why I am extremely familiar with Singapore's
attractions and how to get around.
I have no relatives in Singapore, only overseas. Even though I am a Singapore citizen myself, I still spend my
time going to tourisst attractions
because of how beautiful they are. I have a deep interest in photography and also a food lover! Do feel free to
contact me if you have any enquiries
through a direct message on instagram, or my email! Click on my profile image to be directed to my Instagram
account! Feel free to drop me a private message there if you have any questions!
I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback on this website. For example, feedback on the
usability, convenience, efficiency, helpfulness etc. This feedback would be taken into account such that I would
be able to make this website into a better platform for you! Thank you!